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1100 lb Capacity, 48 Inch Ice Machine Storage Bin
1100 lb Capacity, 48 Inch Ice Machine Storage Bin
Special Order
Leaves the Warehouse in 14 to 19 weeks

Scotsman Ice Machines : Ice the World Demands

If you’ve ever shopped or considered shopping for an ice maker or ice storage bin, you’ve probably heard the name Scotsman. This is because Scotsman is a brand that has been manufacturing ice makers for over 50 years. Their impressive experience shows; Scotsman produces ice makers for any type of industry. The technologies incorporated with these powerful commercial appliances help to keep this brand at the forefront of the ice making industry. Regardless of what type of ice you’re looking to make--whether it be flake, dice, nugget, scale, cube, or supercube--Scotsman makes an ice machine to suit your preferences. They even come in a plethora of shapes and sizes ranging from 15 to 51 inches wide.

Scotsman ice machines are not only powerful and efficient appliances, they’re also environmentally conscious. Models are designed to minimize energy and water usage, making them as efficient as possible. There is a principle promoted in Scotsman products: ‘designed in simplicity.’ This mantra exists to make use and upkeep of these ice makers easy as possible. Filters are easy to change and there are more maintenance tasks that can be done in-house as opposed to calling some sort of repair service. Additionally, Scotsman provides manuals for their units, and the regular service bulletins that are given to Scotsman engineers can be provided to customers upon request.

The sheer versatility of the products offered by Scotsman put this brand miles above the competition. Check out the self-contained units, which can both produce and store ice. These types of Scotsman ice machines come in a number of widths and heights. TheProdigy line of ice makers is known specifically for using less energy than traditional ice makers. Some models can still produce up to 200 lbs of ice a day despite the minimal resource usage.

Or combine a modular ice machine model with a Scotsman storage bin; these unit-combos are useful if you’re looking to make and store over 400 lbs of ice in a day. Modular ice machines can be either water-cooled or air-cooled. And make sure to check out the Scotsman filtration systems, which help to ensure that your ice comes out with a clear look and taste.

Creating powerful and durable ice machines since the 1950s, Scotsman has had over half a century of experience in creating these useful appliances. Regardless of the industry you work in, Scotsman is sure they have machine that will fit your needs. They make ice makers for offices, hotels, super markets and convenience stores, schools, hospitals, and more. Find a machine that produces small batch, gourmet ice or invest in a large-scale commercial machine that can produce over 5 tons of ice a day. This company likes to brag that they ‘reinvented ice.’ After becoming acquainted with Scotsman, you’ll be pressed to find a higher authority on the business of making ice.